This cookie policy is designed to provide visitors to our website with information about the technologies used and how they can make informed choices regarding the management of their cookies.
What is a cookie?
Whenever you visit our website,
we place cookies on your device for various reasons. A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded and stored on your computer, mobile phone, or similar device, containing information about your website navigation.
For instance, cookies can be used to track the pages you visit on the website, store the information you have entered, or remember your preferences, such as language settings.
Why do we use them?
We use cookies to offer you all the features of the website, personalize your user experience, conduct analyses, and enhance our services. Cookies also enable us to deliver personalized advertisements on our websites, applications, and newsletters, both online and through social media platforms. They help determine, for example, the number
of people clicking on an advertisement to access specific content. This information is used to measure and optimize our advertisements on social media platforms.
How long are cookies stored?
Storage durations vary on your browser or device. Temporary cookies, known as session cookies, are stored on your device until you close your browser. Permanent cookies have an expiration date, and when that date is exceeded, the cookie is deleted as soon as you return to the website that generated it.
What types of cookies do we use?
We use four categories of cookies: strictly necessary, performance, functional, and marketing. Only the latter three categories require user consent. For strictly necessary cookies, user consent is not required as they provide a complete and continuous display of website content for proper digital navigation and online experience.
How to accept or withdraw your cookie consent in "Cookie Settings"?
You can manage your cookie consents in "Cookie Settings" at the bottom of this website. You can accept all three categories of cookies or only one if you prefer. By accepting a cookie category, you accept all cookies in that category (see the detailed list of cookies below). You can modify your preferences and reject cookies at any time in Cookie Settings. Below are more detailed insights into our cookie categories and a list of all cookies used by category.
By clicking "Accept All Cookies," you consent to the collection of all cookies and agree that we share your information with third parties, including our advertising partners.
In some cases, this means that your data will be processed outside the EU or EEA. If you choose "Only Necessary Cookies," no other cookies will be installed on your device. You can disable cookies that are not classified as strictly necessary for the site's operation by withdrawing your consent at any time.